LHCb International MasterClasses 2017
In 2017, the Romanian LHCb group participated in the "LHCb International Masterclasses" programme organized by International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) in collaboration with CERN. The activities will take place in the campus of "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava.
The activity addresses high-school pupils from 9th to 12th grade and young students in the field of Natural Sciences. It facilitates them the contact with the research environment from campuses in Măgurele (close to Bucharest) and Suceava. During this particular day(s), students have the opportunity to attend lectures of elementary particle physics, to visit scientific infrastructure belonging to the Măgurele/Suceava campus and to participate in the analysis of data acquired in the high energy experiment LHCb at LHC. The students will have the opportunity to discuss their results in a video-conference with researchers from CERN as well as with students from other scientific centres participating to the International Masterclasses programme. Their participation is recognized and certified through participation diplomas.
For further information regarding the participation you can contact us at the following e-mail addresses:
parghie {at} fim [dot] usv.ro
florin {dot} maciuc (at) cern [dot] ch
The general agenda of a session:
- Open classes
- Introduction to the Elementary Particle Physics
- LHCb@CERN Experiment
- Visit of the University campus (optional)
- Working Session: [the study topic is announced each year by LHCb...]
- Discussion of the Results: Video Conference with CERN and Participating Institutions
Event Photo Gallery